Wilson Yoshihiro AKASHI[1]

Célia Petil MILLER[2]

§    ABSTRACT: This paper is concerned with the study of existence of solutions for abstract equation of the form Lu = Nu in Hilbert spaces, with L a linear operator not necessarily of Fredholm type and N a nonlinear operator. The method used is based on fixed point theorems via topological degree. As an application, we consider a nonlinear wave equation and, under some conditions, we assure the existence of solutions for this problem.

§    KEYWORDS: Nonlinear wave equations; fixed point theorems; topological degree.

[1]Departamento de Matemática - Instituto de Biociências , Letras e Ciências Exatas - UNESP - São José do Rio Preto - SP - Brasil.

[2] Pós-Graduação do ITA – Centro Técnico Aeroespacial – 12225 – São José dos Campos – SP.